Great wisdom (TV show How I Met Your Mother) once said that there are always a reacher and a settler in any relationship. For those of you who does not watch sitcom either because you don't live in this country or those who lives in this country but are "too cool" for sitcoms, the reacher refers to the one who reached for the one above their league and the settler settled for the one below their league. Now I won't say that ALL relationships are necessarily based on this model, but certainly one can see the advantages of this model. If there's neither a reacher nor a settler in a relationship, perhaps a relationship between two highly independent individuals is just harder to maintain.
Just take a step back and think for a second here how a reacher/settler relationship model will make a relationship stronger? The reacher has already obtained someone above their league, if they know what's good for them, they'll strive to keep this settler instead of "exploring other options." What do the settle get out of it? You may ask. Ah, the answer is quite simple (I am starting to sound like a character under Chuck Norris). First you have to ask, "Why do they settle in the first place?" Answer: they prefer not to be with someone of their own league or above them. They have the need to be adored, hence it befits them to stay in the relationship with the reacher. If you look at it close enough, it's really a symbiotic rather than a parasitic relationship. ^__^
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